I designed and shipped a consumer-facing digital beer finder that supported an international market. Other responsibilities included design for internal products and graphic support for marketing campaigns/beer launches.
Role: Interaction Designer
When: 05/2015 - 06/2016
Skills: Figma, Sketch, marketing, industrial design, copy-writing, prototypes
Designing Stone Beer Finder 2.0
Stone Brewing’s 1.0 web beer finder tool needed a massive visual and technical overhaul to keep up with the Stone’s growing brand and an increasing volume of web traffic. My responsibility was to complete the visual + product design for the 2.0 tool. I also met with development contractors to scope technical constraints. Some principles I kept in mind when scoping design:
Internationalization is essential since Stone is a global brand.
Designs should do service to the strong, bold brand colors and type.
Mobile designs are a must and should be adaptive. User research findings reveal a ton of people find their beer much like how they would find their food: on the move and on their phone!
The UI design of beer finder 2.0 needed to be light so users could seamlessly navigate the web app and also to accommodate back-end compatibility with Drupal CMS.
Designing tap room screen signage
Another project I worked to ship was an arrangement of digital signage for the Stone Brewing tap room. I’m referring to those digital displays you read when ordering beer! Some considerations when working on this project:
Readability is heavily influenced by the distance you are in line. It was important to consider the size of the screen, how was you are from it, the accessible display UX of fonts and graphics, even user age. It was fun getting some in-person measurements at the tap room itself.
Screen signage needed the flexibility to accommodate future rotating events and upcoming beer releases! Text should automatically re-flow and images should be able to be updated remotely from the web.
Stone Tap rooms are characteristically dark and a bit grungy. Accommodating to the standard lighting was essential so we don’t blind people with bright displays.
Design for internal systems and public-facing web campaigns.
I also had opportunities to design for a wide array of projects including web campaigns for specific beer releases, an UX overhaul of the Stone Brewing store, and updating visuals + UI for internal employee management systems.